Planning Applications

This page shows Planning applications, ordered by the submission date, for the previous 24 months within Healeyfield Parish Council's remit. Click an application to be taken to the planning portal and see complete information.

There are a total of 22, you are viewing 1 - 10


address Hownsgill Farm Consett DH8 9AA
description Change of use of a building (formerly a 'bunk barn') to a dwelling
area Durham
start date 26/11/2024
decision None


address Horse And Groom Consett Road Castleside Consett DH8 9QQ
description Change of use of public house (use class sui generis), including partial demolition and extension, to 3no. dwellings (use class c3)
area Durham
start date 21/11/2024
decision None


address 2 Watergate Road Castleside Consett DH8 9QS
description Detached garage/gym, porch to side, first floor side extension and outbuilding to accommodate a sauna.
area Durham
start date 13/11/2024
decision None


address Land To The Rear Of 1 To 8 Wesley Terrace Castleside Industrial Estate Castleside DH8 9QB
description Discharge of conditions 4 (construction management plan), 6 (land contamination scheme), 9 (noise impact assessmennt), 10 (noise impact assessmennt), 17 (scheme to meet needs of the elderly), 18 (sections and levels), 19 (boundary treatments) and 21 (electric vehicle charging points) pursuant to DM/22/01929/OUT
area Durham
start date 27/08/2024
decision None


address Land To The Rear Of 1 To 8 Wesley Terrace Castleside Industrial Estate Castleside DH8 9QB
description Reserved matters application (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) pursuant to DM/22/01929/OUT
area Durham
start date 27/08/2024
decision None


address Haystax Longedge Lane Consett DH8 9BY
description The partial relocation of 37 holiday units and managers lodge and the extension of the cafe.
area Durham
start date 16/08/2024
decision Approved - 12/09/2024


address Land To The North Of Horse And Groom Consett Road Castleside DH8 9QQ
description Outline application with access for the erection of up to 13no. dwellings (all other matters reserved)
area Durham
start date 12/08/2024
decision None


address Village Hall Drover Road Castleside Consett DH8 9RE
description Proposed removal of the existing play area and replacement with new play area, including safety surfacing.
area Durham
start date 11/07/2024
decision Approved BNG Not Required - 06/12/2024


address 58 Moorland Crescent Castleside Consett DH8 9RG
description Demolition of existing conservatory and construction of single storey rear extension.
area Durham
start date 11/06/2024
decision Approved - 07/08/2024


address Treetops Rowley Bank Rowley Consett DH8 9AE
description Change of use of residential dwelling (Use Class C3) to childrens home (Use Class C2) for one child aged between 8-17
area Durham
start date 15/04/2024
decision Approved BNG Not Required - 14/08/2024